Is the packaging used for Tillamook products recyclable?
Currently, the packaging for our yogurt, sour cream and cream cheese spreads are all recyclable polypropylene material. Our butter, ice cream sandwich, and brick cream cheese cartons are all recyclable paper. For all of these products, we recommend checking your local recycling program guidelines to ensure they would be accepted.
Our cheese packaging is not recyclable at this time. Depending on the cut (i.e. loaf, shredded, sliced, snack, etc.) it is wrapped in either hi-barrier plastic shrink bags or hayssen roll stock films. This packaging material protects the product and prevents mold and moisture loss, which in turn helps reduce post-consumer waste to landfill. Plastic also reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses. Packaging plays an important role in protecting food from damage and contamination, and extends the useful life of food items on the retail shelf and at home, thus potentially reducing wasted food and its environmental impacts.
Our family-size ice cream containers are not recyclable, because they have a plastic coating which helps prevent the container from getting wet and losing its shape over time in the freezer.
We regularly monitor updates on the recycling market, and our packaging engineers are currently and continuously monitoring opportunities for material reduction during the R&D process. Additionally, they are also looking into incorporating Post Consumer Recycled Content, increasing reusability, and exploring compostable options.
Learn more about our commitment to making progress and do right with our packaging choices here.